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Holy David announces an exclusive preview exhibition of three works from the upcoming art collection

HolyDavid will exhibit three fragments of works from his upcoming 2k22 collection in Studio 44 in Trento during an open street where taboos will be broken and realities contaminated.
sabato 21 agosto 2021

Trento, 21 August 2021 - HolyDavid will exhibit three fragments of works from its upcoming 2k22 collection in Studio 44 in Trento, Via Calepina 44 from 10 to 18, during a private open street on 18 September. HolyDavid will be present in person.

Holy David is a Trentino artist who dreams of elevating contemporary Italian art and making it take a step forward, starting first from Trento and Trentino. In Trento there is an excellent base thanks to the presence of institutions, associations, organizations, individuals but also art scattered around the city and prominent Trentino artists:

Institutions such as the Mart and Civica, Gallerie di Piedicastello, Artesella

Private individuals such as the Raffaelli Art Studio, Cellar Contemporary, Boccanera Gallery, PAOLO MARIA DEANESI GALLERY

Organizations such as Andromeda Association, The Garden of Art

Artists of the caliber of Paolina Paperina and David Aaron Angeli

Holy David: the artist

HolyDavid is an artist who wants his works to speak, not him. Wear a mask where you reflect: talking to HolyDavid is like talking to yourself. More is not meant to be defined, not even as a man or as a woman.

The location: Studio44

Studio44 is an exceptional cultural location where psychotherapy, mirror therapy and cannabis therapy are practiced. It is a place of growth and self-discovery, where those who enter explore their inner world to flourish. In studying, culture meets personal growth and the individual is transformed.

The location was chosen for its strong symbolic power linked to the new, the different and the transformation. To the consecration of the sacred. Themes very dear to HolyDavid himself.

Holy David is a contemporary artist who stands out for originality and technique.

His works are the result of a contamination between classical art and the digital world that come together in an explosion of colors and stimuli that directly affect the awareness of the unstoppable evolution of our species.

Says Valentina Zanon, owner of Studio44.

The location was also chosen for the aesthetic affinity of Holy David, close to the new, the different and the other unusual, the unexpected.

It's all going to be so kitschy, so wow!

The fragments of works presented exclusively

On 18 September HolyDavid will exhibit, in an exclusive preview, three fragments of three of his works from the large and innovative 2k22 collection that will be presented in 2022 on Simulacrum, the online viewing room of the future, to collectors and gallery owners.

The works from which the fragments are extracted are:




In addition to the fragments, previews of the complete works are exhibited with all the fragments united.

The works are in full HyperArt style and represent the synthesis of a new artistic language that derives from the Post-Internet movement and the Internet culture.

They are the first HyperArt works ever presented to the public.

HyperArt is an exaggerated, eclectic and self-referential way of making art that makes use of images and languages ​​that come from Google, from Instagram's Reels, from Amazon's product sheets and from TikTok. HyperArt works are maps that are lost, they indicate a way that indicates a thousand of them. They are not keys but many locks of as many doors.

The HyperArt style is free and queer, it is cacophonous and bright. It is beautiful and ugly, it is everything and nothing, it is maximum and minimum, it is sacred and profane.

It is cute but aggressive, artificial to the point of being natural. It is a dystonia of late capitalism so beautiful that it becomes a utopia.

HyperArt itself is a new language of art, which breaks away from the canons and reinvents art, rededicating its sacredness.

About Holy David

Holy David is the Italian contemporary artist who will introduce HyperArt to the world in 2022. He built Simulacrum, the new frontier of online viewing and introduced a way of experiencing art where privacy and the environment are constantly respected and elevated. .Holy David has never presented himself to the public and his identity is hidden, jealously guarded and never shared. Born in 1996, Holy David has been making art since he was 15 and has been breathing technology from 18. At 24 he has a revelation and realizes that the art of the future is the art where human beings and technology enhance each other, rather than compete. sterile.

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